Saturday, 26 May 2012

it's been quite some weekend all round

looking at our little group...everything's gone to shit. Casey seems to think he can make the tall bastard bleed and god knows what's happening to puppet right now.

Things are somewhat safer for me now, however. My grandparents are back, which tends to mean that eldritch fuckery quietens down for a few days.

I think I might actually sleep tonight. I've been getting by on 30 minute naps spread throughout the day right now xD

Friday, 25 May 2012


So much happened last night I dont even know where to start.
Shit. I think that's the best word to describe it. A whole lot of shit descended upon my home and has left me under house arrest for the time being.

It all started at about 3 am when I heard a huge THUD against the door, as if something was throwing its full weight against it. I bolted up, grabbed my war club (it's primitive but effective. got to love the Maoris )  and got closer to the door.

Our friendly neighborhood  "Seedeater" was there, desperately trying to break through. He rammed into it, shoulder first, one more time before sitting back and looking up at me helplessly. I couldn't see his exposed eye clearly...but it looked like he was pleading for help. I heard him start whimpering to himself. Something about being "so hungry", "so sorry" and then starting to growl about "broken promises" and reflecting on why he "never trusted anyone before anyway".

I don't know why I began to pity that monster...but I started to unlock the door. It felt like the right thing to do at the time and I don't fully understand the thoughts running through my own mind at the time. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking. As I started to swing the door open, it raised its head brightly. It began to rise up from the ground, thanking me.

The moment it began to encroach upon me, I came to my senses and slammed the door in its face. It was at this exact moment that the other guy...this "slenderman" figure...suddenly appeared directly on the other side of the door. There was no fade or transition. It was a case of "one second he's there, the next he's not".
He was standing at about 7 and a half foot, per usual. He sort of had his arms outstretched, tentacles emerging from his back like before. I ran to a higher floor, bringing what bedding I could. As I started running up, I caught sight of his hands turning into a twisting mass of tendrils, rushing out to ensnare him. He roared out and ripped the tendrils off. The tall cunt showed no real evidence of pain. he just stood there with his torn arms still flailing at the stumps, looking at him with no blood evidently dripping.

A few hours later I decided to creep down and grab my laptop. There was no sign of them near by bedroom, though in the morning I caught a glimpse of the seedeater feasting upon a few of the tentacles and tendrils he ripped off. He looked disgusted, but he was desperate for meat.

I get the feeling he doesn't like hunting children at all, with the way he was apologising. . I think he's just desperate for food.

I'm just glad my grandparents are back tomorrow. They are only gone for two nights.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

And another...

Hello Puppet.
As I said to Casey, may this be the start of a beautiful friendship :P

Isn't this a nice little community we have going? "Eldritch Creature Victim's Anonymous" or something.

god I'm desperately unfunny.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

we have contact.

I have the feeling this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship, casey.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Further Research.

I looked over those blogs and managed to put a name to the...face? Of the other guy.
"Slender Man"
It sounds like a diet milkshake.

I've done some googling of his name, MarbleHornets popped up as one of the first results so I gave it a watch. It doesn't feel the I'm going to call bullshit on that one.I've started looking at other things too, just to see how they feel and as an opportunity to see if there's any weakness I can exploit if he turns up again.
what I've seen of him from other channels feels right.

Which means I'm not alone.

I'm going to work with this "Casey" guy if he accepts me. I hate to be a parasite, but he's got more experience.

but he's got really heavy problems of his own...also serious trust issues since he lost a girl in his care... so I'm not convinced he's going to let me keep in touch :/

Sunday, 20 May 2012

I found this written on a word document.

It was on my desktop. I've not looked over the links enclosed yet.

Dear Mark,
Can I call you Mark? It seems to be the most friendly name to call you. I would like to be friends. It seems someone we both know is interested in something only you both know. Someone I know could use some help. It only seems fit to close the circle and introduce you two. Stephen Casey, homicidal kid with a daughter. Well, not a real daughter of course. That's what I'm here to talk to you about. It seems Stephen has been caught up in the spell of a creature unlike any I've ever seen. And now, the one we both know has gotten himself interested in this creature. This means you are open for attack, Mark. This means it benefits all of us for you to help my little friend. Or at least try.

Remember to stay happy, friend. Consider my offer. Stay Smiling. 

Whoever this is, they know something.
And if they can help, I wont even bother raging at them using my laptop.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

A disheartening day of research.

Guess what guys? I found out some more about this "seedeater" thing!
And guess what? He's virtually unstoppable and seriously fucks shit up.

Basically, I googled Seedeater and the third result was a blog called "seedeater experiences" ( After reading through all the testimonies to the website and following the personal experiences of the guy running the blog, Cliff Howry, I found out that it wants to eat me and might be a tiny bit pissed off that I'm talking about it.

You see these tears?
Tears of joy.

Friday, 18 May 2012

The Case Study Thing of Stuff

All personal notes on this will be in these fancy-ass italics. This say the least...and yes, this does look like it was written by someone with a love for SCPs xD 
A lot of pages seem to be purposefully ripped and blotted out with black ink. Only the first part came out fully unscathed. Ink splodges are shown by nice HoL style open brackets :3

Subject: [REDACTED]

Alternate Titles: "Seedeater", "Ragface", [REDACTED], [REDACTED]
I'll look these up later...See if any results come up

Terms of Containment: N/A
Well it's nice to know they've never managed to catch him

Risk: High
It's also nice to know how dangerous he is

Priority: High
but they at least want to catch him. Yay. 

Description: Subject often described as tall, heavily clothed and wearing a strange conical leather mask stitched along the center and along one shut eye. Subject is also noted as having abnormally long limbs, however not to the extent of Subject S[             ]n, who is occasionally sighted in the vicinity of said Subject. Subject is also speculated to be associated with creatures such as T[        ]e, S[                                                              ] and other [     ] related phenomena.

Behavior: Subject fixates themselves upon individual targets with the aim to [    ] them. Targets are always observed to be within the 6-16 age bracket. Although there was once speculation regarding multiple
[                            ] current theories suggest that Subject can merely will himself to be in multiple locations across sp[              ]me. Any attempt to obstruct Subject's hunt is strictly forbidden. Any failure to acknowledge this protocol will result in immediate termination. Previous attempts to obstruct the hunt have been catastrophic, often resulting in [REDACTED]

Addendum: Standard protocol dictates that any personnel approaching Subject must have at least level [REDACTED] clearance. In NO CIRCUMSTANCES (this was underlined by hand) may Subject's hunt be obstructed. Any failure to comply will result in immediate terminati

And the rest of the paper was inked out thickly by hand or ripped so much it wasn't recognisable. 
Judging by what this says, what we're dealing with definitely ISN'T human. I had sorta guessed that regarding the other guy, but I was never completely sure with this "seedeater" fellow. 
I'm going to do some research. Maybe I can get some answers. 
I'll keep you posted


I arrived home to find some sort of paper left on my pillow.
I'm going to look through this...but...the fuck?
Who left this here? D:

Thursday, 17 May 2012


I finally manned up and went to the police today.
They basically told me, in a roundabout way, to piss off and that they weren't interested.

But judging by how one of the officers down the hall was glaring at me, I think they must have had some form of run in and they're trying to avoid it.

Or I'm just actively seeking conspiracies. Either could be the case.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The Weekend

I meant to write about this last night, but I collapsed from exhaustion at about 9 and slept through till 7, for once  O.o

After that last post I decided to set up camp upstairs. I moved my xbox, bedding, laptop...everything I possibly could, up to the living room. I opened up the door into the balcony briefly at about 3am to hear its heavy, rasping breathing but I couldn't see it anywhere. I tried my best to sleep, but only caught 2 hours or so.
I didn't go out the next day. I stayed upstairs with my xbox, only really getting up to check through the blinds once every couple of hours, or grab some soup (soup is amazing in conditions like that)
That night, however, shit hit the fan again. Everything was deathly still and quiet. Unlike the night before, it wasn't the noise that scared me but the absence of it. I decided to check out the balcony again when I saw it...Not the one with the weird mask, but the tall one. He was wearing a black business suit, just staring at me through the gloom.
Then the masked one started rattling at the glass doors downstairs. I thought they were going to shatter and break, but for some reason he couldn't damage them, despite how fragile they should have been. The noise made me jump, however. I broke eye-contact with the guy in the suit and then, suddenly, there was not sign of him anywhere in my garden.

I turned away to try and barricade the doors, just in case they got in, but the tall one was standing right behind me. He must have been about 8 foot tall as he was nearly scraping against my ceiling.
But his face... It was completely blank, non-existent...and then he began to raise his arms outstretched to me, as if beckoning for a hug...but tendrils began to come out from his back, writing tentacles everywhere...exploring every crevice of the room.

And then he was gone.
No rattling, no man and no scratches.

Just silence.

Friday, 11 May 2012


I decided to investigate the scratching outside for once. I didn't see any foxes, but that homeless guy was there instead...trying to claw his way in or something. I didn't go out fully, but he spotted the partially opened door.

Remember when I said he was tall? Yeah...he's about 6ft I would say. He stood up, his legs unfurling as he rose from a crouch, and started to sort of hunch over. his arms were freakishly long, coming down to a couple of inches above its ankles and he started growling at me. His mask looks like it's leather or's stitched up along the middle, and across one eye

I dashed inside and locked the door...I don't know if he's still standing out there...but I'm not sure what to do. My grandparents are gone for the weekend, which leaves me here alone.

What sort of weirdo is he?
He doesn't even seem human.

Monday, 7 May 2012


that weird homeless guy has a friend, I think.
I didn't get a clear look through the undergrowth, but the one in the dressing gown was hunched up at the edge of the forest, where it borders my garden, and then there was another guy, slightly further back into the branches.
Damn he looked tall xD

it takes a lot for a TV show to make me cry

But dear god...Avatar ;_;

Can I have a Uncle Iroh, please? <3

Saturday, 5 May 2012

An interesting walk in the forest

picture this, if you please.
There's me, strolling through the woods I own, minding my business. Sun's streaming through the trees, I'm filled with swag, all the usual stuff.
And then I encounter what looked like some weird homeless guy, huddled and muttering about how it's "Nearly time" or some other weird bullshit. He was wearing what I would guess was random shit he'd found lying around, like a dressing gown and some boots and, when he turned his head slightly, what looked like a conical mask or something.
Well, being the Good Samaritan that I am, I told him I wouldn't let my family find out and pointed him in the direction of an old hut made of sticks that I helped make ages ago, though I have no idea if it's still standing.
He's probably harmless, but I don't think I'm going to go too close to him. I made a point of keeping back a few meters, as he looked pretty tall and fairly strong.

I'm going to keep my word about telling people, though. No one will know as long as he isn't a problem. 

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


I'm avoiding studying for this exam tomorrow.
Let's talk about foxes again, as that's the only inconvenience in my life that isn't looking like it's going to end any time soon.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but my bedroom is on ground level with a glass door looking out onto the forest. This means all those evil little foxy orange bastards come out of that forest and immediately start scratching away at my wall. Though these bastards are a lot bigger than I imagined. I've only had one direct encounter with a fox, but I guess that must have been a baby or something because one of the marks left was pretty fucking deep, considering it was left with their claws.
I hate all the things xD