Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The Weekend

I meant to write about this last night, but I collapsed from exhaustion at about 9 and slept through till 7, for once  O.o

After that last post I decided to set up camp upstairs. I moved my xbox, bedding, laptop...everything I possibly could, up to the living room. I opened up the door into the balcony briefly at about 3am to hear its heavy, rasping breathing but I couldn't see it anywhere. I tried my best to sleep, but only caught 2 hours or so.
I didn't go out the next day. I stayed upstairs with my xbox, only really getting up to check through the blinds once every couple of hours, or grab some soup (soup is amazing in conditions like that)
That night, however, shit hit the fan again. Everything was deathly still and quiet. Unlike the night before, it wasn't the noise that scared me but the absence of it. I decided to check out the balcony again when I saw it...Not the one with the weird mask, but the tall one. He was wearing a black business suit, just staring at me through the gloom.
Then the masked one started rattling at the glass doors downstairs. I thought they were going to shatter and break, but for some reason he couldn't damage them, despite how fragile they should have been. The noise made me jump, however. I broke eye-contact with the guy in the suit and then, suddenly, there was not sign of him anywhere in my garden.

I turned away to try and barricade the doors, just in case they got in, but the tall one was standing right behind me. He must have been about 8 foot tall as he was nearly scraping against my ceiling.
But his face... It was completely blank, non-existent...and then he began to raise his arms outstretched to me, as if beckoning for a hug...but tendrils began to come out from his back, writing tentacles everywhere...exploring every crevice of the room.

And then he was gone.
No rattling, no man and no scratches.

Just silence.

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